COVID-19: Free E-commerce Support for Retailers in Need.


The Refinery has felt our share of economic struggle over the last 19 years. I started the company in 2001 during the recession that followed 9/11. My partner Dave joined the company in 2005 and together we also weathered the 2008 financial crisis. In moments like those, hope and determinism aren’t always enough to get through. The only way our business survived was because of the generous support and mentorship that we received from our local business community here in Cleveland.

Nervous pencil

Fill out the form below if you need help keeping your retail business running during the COVID-19 crisis.

Our local ABC news station, Channel 5, has picked up the story:

The Refinery has felt our share of economic struggle over the last 19 years. I started the company in 2001 during the recession that followed 9/11. My partner Dave joined the company in 2005 and together we also weathered the 2008 financial crisis. In moments like those, hope and determinism aren’t always enough to get through. The only way our business survived was because of the generous support and mentorship that we received from our local business community here in Cleveland.

This current worldwide healthcare crisis we are all facing today really hits home for us. I know what it feels like for the adrenaline to surge and to have the “fight or flight” instinct kick in. I see the fear and anguish in the eyes of our friends and customers, and I hear it in their voices. I understand what it's like to fight moment after moment, trying not to think too much about the uncertainty the future holds…even just a month from now.

I’m grateful that The Refinery has grown over the years and given us enough stability to get through this. I’m also thankful that we have the resources to help others that need it during these tough times. As such, we’d like to offer our skills and expertise to help those who need it.

If your team is working remotely now, we’ve offered some suggestions and guidance about how to best support them.

If you are concerned about the well-being of your business, we’re here to do whatever we can to help.

Take Your Business Online

If you’re a local retailer who’s looking to do business online for the first time, or if you have a website but you’ve struggled to make it a reliable sales channel, we’d like to help.

Here are ways we can offer assistance:

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Design or Development
  • E-Commerce Platform Setup
  • Copywriting / SEO
  • Paid Advertising
  • Related infrastructure, ERP/CRM integration, payment processing.

Fill out the form below, and we can set up a call to chat about the right plan moving forward.


  1. Fill out the form below if you need help keeping your retail business running during the COVID-19 crisis.
  2. Take Your Business Online


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This post was last updated on: Feb 15, 2021.