Creating custom software to integrate multiple systems


GMS, or Group Management Services, provides comprehensive HR solutions to companies of all sizes throughout the United States through our industry-leading HRIS.


The purpose of this project is to create a technical platform which can serve as a single point for data about individual users of Group Management’s offerings.


Project Vision
Researching Integrations
Refine Wireframes
Design Concepts
Develop Foundation (no integrations)
Integrate Systems
Go Live / Beta Test

Understanding the Problem

As it stands today, the data that GMS employees use lives between multiple systems. When building applications that leverage this data, this presents a number of problems. Employees have to go back and forth between systems and be logged into all of them at once, which is an inefficient way to work.

Key Solutions

The goal of this project was to build a single user interface which exposes key summary information for employees managed by GMS’s services. This will provide employees with a single branded experience to login for information about their plan, and be able to launch into related applications for more details/features, using single sign on. In order to complete this project, we would need to involve design and development.

We wanted to research the integrations between systems first so that any unknown factors with these integrations wouldn’t affect the designs or wireframes. After we completely understood what GMS was looking to accomplish, the next step was to design and develop the foundation of the program without linking the systems together. Once the foundation was complete, we would integrate the systems together and beta test the program.

Final Results & Takeaways

We were able to create a completely custom way for GMS to view all needed client information in one place. This would make it much easier for their employees to complete tasks.

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Case Study Summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugit voluptatibus quidem ut consectetur repellendus nam tempore molestias, modi, nihil enim eveniet quae rem velit expedita. Et quaerat id, explicabo voluptatem dignissimos esse similique assumenda quidem! Maxime eveniet, magnam aliquid reiciendis veniam, consectetur dolorem non totam quam, quod earum quo, assumenda.

Skills and Expertise

  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Development
  • Dev Ops
  • SEO