
Solution Refinement Engagement

The existing processes in outsourced software development are broken. There’s good news, though. We have a way to fix them.

The SRE, or Solution Refinement Engagement, is the best choice for the majority of companies we work with. Here are the key elements of the SRE:

  • An extended Solution Discovery Engagement (up to 8 hours duration as needed)
  • An optimal and recommended solution developed by the Refinery team
  • Creation of a detailed scope of work for the solution

The formal documentation you will receive includes:

  • An executive summary of:
    • The opportunity or challenge presented
    • Your relevant current state without our solution
    • The desired future state after the solution has been implemented
    • The optimal and recommended solution for your opportunity or challenge
  • A detailed description and scope of work for the recommended solution
  • Preparation of a comprehensive RFP, including the full scope

Why an Solution Refinement Engagement is Well Worth the Investment

Digital solutions, software, and applications, depending on their complexity, can be overwhelming and involve a lot of risk for the people in charge. If your proposed solutions works, you've just done your job. But if it fails, it could be a much bigger event. Think of our SRE as insurance against that failure. Our experience and expertise will allow us to find the best solution for you, and even guide you through finding the right implementation partner with the scope of work and RFP we'll give you.

We can help you fully identify, elaborate, break down, and wayfind a solution to the technology challenge at hand. During the SRE process, our team completes an exhaustive expert analysis of both your orgnization's current situation and the desired future state after our recommendations have been implemented.

The capstone of a Solution Refinement Engagement is the comprehensive RFP we create for the recommended solution. Having responded to countless RFPs over the years, we understand what content a prospective implementation partner will need in order to accurately quote your project. This means lower initial costs, faster turnaround times, and less chance to exceed your budget.

If you need help finding the best solution for your project or opportunity, contact our team. Although our company is focused primarily on healthcare and advanced manufacturing, we have found that this process is valuable across many other areas. We have extensive experience across numerous industries, which allows us to bring the best ideas for any tech-related problem.